Gino Corrado - Filmografie | OSOBNOSTI.CZ
Gino Corrado
Hodnocení na 70%
9. února 1893
132 let
Rychlý výběr
Filmografie (411)
Fanklub (1)
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Rychlý výběr
Filmografie (411)
Fanklub (1)
Doom of Dracula (1966)
A Face in the Crowd
Stop! Look! and Laugh! (1960)
Italian Singer
Little Rascals Varieties (1959)
Casanova's Big Night (1954)
Ambassador (uncredited)
Three Coins in the Fountain (1954)
Principessa's Butler (uncredited)
Living It Up (1954)
Shoe Salesman (uncredited)
Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation (1953)
French Matire d' (uncredited)
Has Anybody Seen My Gal (1952)
Peanut Vendor
Something to Live For (1952)
First Nighter (uncredited)
Steel Town (1952)
Diner Chef (uncredited)
Assignment: Paris (1952)
Reporter at Hungarian Embassy (uncredited)
Belle Le Grand (1951)
Gambarelli - Impresario (uncredited)
Up Front (1951)
Waiter (uncredited)
The Fat Man (1951)
French Chef (uncredited)
Secrets of Monte Carlo (1951)
Maitre d'Hotel (uncredited)
The Prince Who Was a Thief (1951)
Paid in Full (1950)
Chef at Barbecue (uncredited)
Captain Carey, U.S.A. (1950)
Villager (uncredited)
Harvey (1950)
Eccentric Man (scenes deleted)
Hit Parade of 1951 (1950)
Headwaiter (uncredited)
The Petty Girl (1950)
Brush and Easel waiter
The Great Sinner (1949)
Standing Casino Patron
The Life of Riley (1949)
Candy Store Proprietor (uncredited)
The Stratton Story (1949)
Restaurant Chef (uncredited)
Madame Bovary (1949)
Village Official at Agricultural Show (uncredited)
The Fighting Kentuckian (1949)
French Soldier (uncredited)
I Walk Alone (1948)
George (uncredited)
Arch of Triumph (1948)
Sommelier (uncredited)
Dream Girl (1948)
Chef (uncredited)
Romance on the High Seas (1948)
Ship Passenger/Rio Night Club Patron (uncredited)
Julia Misbehaves (1948)
Roulette Gambler (uncredited)
One Touch of Venus (1948)
Head Waiter (uncredited)
An Innocent Affair (1948)
Venetian Room Captain of Waiters (uncredited)
The Countess of Monte Cristo (1948)
Barman at Inn (uncredited)
Words and Music (1948)
Italian Waiter (uncredited)
On Our Merry Way (1948)
Extra in Musician Contest Audience
Suddenly, It's Spring (1947)
Calendar Girl (1947)
Tony the Cook (uncredited)
Mr. District Attorney (1947)
Maitre D' (uncredited)
The Michigan Kid (1947)
Spectator (uncredited)
Nora Prentiss (1947)
Pete, Headwaiter at Dinardo's (uncredited)
Hit Parade of 1947 (1947)
Chef (uncredited)
Dishonored Lady (1947)
Carl, Waiter (uncredited)
The Web (1947)
Waiter (uncredited)
Brute Force (1947)
Italian Father (uncredited)
Second Chance (1947)
Headwaiter (uncredited)
The Invisible Wall (1947)
Room Service Waiter (uncredited)
Blondie in the Dough (1947)
That Hagen Girl (1947)
Night Club Bartender (uncredited)
Road to Rio (1947)
Ship's Barber (uncredited)
My Wild Irish Rose (1947)
Maitre D'
The Fighting Guardsman (1946)
Roualt the Innkeeper (unconfirmed)
The Madonna's Secret (1946)
Boucher - Waiter (uncredited)
Každému dle zásluh (1946)
Man at Dance (uncredited)
The Catman of Paris (1946)
Policeman (uncredited)
Two Sisters from Boston (1946)
Passkey to Danger (1946)
Andre, Headwaiter (uncredited)
Podivná láska Marty Iversové (1946)
Nightclub Waiter (uncredited)
Sing While You Dance (1946)
Henri (uncredited)
Faithful in My Fashion (1946)
Waiter (uncredited)
Zabijáci (1946)
Restaurant Chef (uncredited)
Honeymoon Blues (1946)
Bruno, the Swordsman
Blondie Knows Best (1946)
Hi-Ho Club Headwaiter (uncredited)
Deception (1946)
Waiter (uncredited)
The Beast with Five Fingers (1946)
Carabinieri (uncredited)
Holiday in Mexico (1946)
A Song to Remember (1945)
Man at Pleyel's (uncredited)
Escape in the Desert (1945)
Arriving Foreign Soldier (uncredited)
Where Do We Go from Here? (1945)
Santa Maria Crewman (uncredited)
Flame of Barbary Coast (1945)
Waiter (uncredited)
Sunset in El Dorado (1945)
Barfly (uncredited)
The Dolly Sisters (1945)
French Trainman (uncredited)
Micro-Phonies (1945)
Italian singer (as Gino Carrado)
Yolanda and the Thief (1945)
Hotel Lounge Waiter (uncredited)
Saratoga Trunk (1945)
Diner (uncredited)
An Angel Comes to Brooklyn (1945)
Headwaiter (uncredited)
Cornered (1945)
Room Service Waiter (uncredited)
Radio Stars on Parade (1945)
Spectator ouside radio station / Crowd extra at airport
Zvon pro Adano (1945)
The Hairy Ape (1944)
Nightclub Patron
The Conspirators (1944)
Cafe Patron
In Our Time (1944)
Extra as Peasant at Party/Officer at Ballet (uncredited)
Cowboy and the Senorita (1944)
Guest at Chip's Birthday Party (uncredited)
Pan Skeffington (1944)
Waiter (uncredited)
Man from Frisco (1944)
Tony D'Agostino (uncredited)
Wilson (1944)
Italian Restaurant Waiter (uncredited)
Mrs. Parkington (1944)
Caterer at Ball (uncredited)
Dancing in Manhattan (1944)
Waiter (uncredited)
Action in Arabia (1944)
Cafe Patron
Shine on Harvest Moon (1944)
Romero's Chef
Experiment Perilous (1944)
Restaurant Patron
Storm Over Lisbon (1944)
Nothing But Trouble (1944)
Mr. Kitteridge
Frankensteinův hrad (1944)
Man in Audience at Dracula Exhibit
End of the Road (1944)
Marriage Is a Private Affair (1944)
Wedding Party Guest
Appointment in Berlin (1943)
Chetniks (1943)
Italian Lieutenant (uncredited)
Flight for Freedom (1943)
Chef (uncredited)
Hello Frisco, Hello (1943)
Opera Singer (uncredited)
Clancy Street Boys (1943)
Fresh Pedestrian (uncredited)
Mission to Moscow (1943)
Italian (uncredited)
I Dood It (1943)
Waiter (uncredited)
My Kingdom for a Cook (1943)
Duck Carver (uncredited)
Na titulní stránce (1943)
Bartender at Cafe
Hit Parade of 1943 (1943)
Kitchen Chef
Lost Angel (1943)
Man in Nightclub
Wintertime (1943)
Willie, Hotel Desk Clerk
Butch Minds the Baby (1942)
Secret Agent of Japan (1942)
Second Italian at Bar (uncredited)
Take a Letter, Darling (1942)
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
It Happened in Flatbush (1942)
Paul - Pegasus Club Maitre d' (uncredited)
Wings for the Eagle (1942)
Waiter (uncredited)
Někde se potkáme (1942)
Waiter (uncredited)
Moje sestra Ela (1942)
Chef in Italian Restaurant (uncredited)
Krásná čarodějka (1942)
Onlooker in Crowd (uncredited)
Fall In (1942)
Historky z metropole (1942)
Spectator at Concert
We Were Dancing (1942)
Headwaiter at inn
I Married an Angel (1942)
Hotel Valet
Město si o tom povídá (1942)
Nightclub Waiter
Casablanca (1942)
Waiter at Rick's
Six Lessons from Madame La Zonga (1941)
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
The Great Lie (1941)
Minor Role (uncredited)
A Shot in the Dark (1941)
Waldo - Nightclub Chef (uncredited)
That Night in Rio (1941)
Stock Exchange Clerk (uncredited)
Affectionately Yours (1941)
Lisbon Cafe Waiter (uncredited)
Krev a písek (1941)
Waiter (uncredited)
Forced Landing (1941)
Cousin Easter (uncredited)
Sunset in Wyoming (1941)
Waiter (uncredited)
An Ache in Every Stake (1941)
The Cook (uncredited)
Week-End in Havana (1941)
Baccarat Croupier (uncredited)
Moon Over Her Shoulder (1941)
Waiter (uncredited)
The Feminine Touch (1941)
Party Waiter (uncredited)
Swing It Soldier (1941)
Headwaiter (uncredited)
I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Island (1941)
Paris Calling (1941)
Dáma z Louisiany (1941)
Lottery Victim
Moon Over Miami (1941)
Boulton's Chef
Občan Kane (1941)
The House Across the Bay (1940)
Nightclub Waiter (uncredited)
Mrtvá a živá (1940)
Hotel Manager (uncredited)
Smrtelné setkání (1940)
Alfonso - the Cook (uncredited)
Brother Orchid (1940)
Artist (uncredited)
Zahraniční dopisovatel (1940)
Luncheon Waiter (uncredited)
Dance, Girl, Dance (1940)
Gino, Club Ferdinand Waiter (uncredited)
Hired Wife (1940)
Waiter (uncredited)
Down Argentine Way (1940)
Waiter (uncredited)
Zorro mstitel (1940)
Caballero (uncredited)
Bitter Sweet (1940)
Waiter (uncredited)
Slečna Kitty (1940)
Speakeasy Waiter (uncredited)
Hrozny hněvu (1940)
New Moon (1940)
City of Lost Men (1940)
Ben Ali
Diktátor (1940)
The Three Musketeers (1939)
Musketeer (uncredited)
Hlavou do zdi (1939)
Irate Opera Company Actor (uncredited)
Půlnoc (1939)
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Winner Take All (1939)
One of the Garibaldis (uncredited)
Never Say Die (1939)
Waiter (uncredited)
Chasing Danger (1939)
Marine Guard (unconfirmed)
Mr. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)
Museum Exhibit Attendee (uncredited)
Beau Geste (1939)
Recruit Wearing Top Hat (uncredited)
Lady of the Tropics (1939)
Waiter (uncredited)
Rio (1939)
Minor Role (uncredited)
Pan Smith přichází (1939)
Barber (uncredited)
Charlie Chan in City in Darkness (1939)
Proprietor of Wine Cellar (uncredited)
Another Thin Man (1939)
West Indies Club Patron (uncredited)
Devil's Island (1939)
Man Escaping Gendarmes with Debriac
Saved by the Belle (1939)
Pest from the West (1939)
Remember? (1939)
Jih proti Severu (1939)
Minor Role
Fiddling Around (1938)
Gino Corrado, Violin Virtuoso
Rose of the Rio Grande (1938)
Osmá žena modrovousova (1938)
Waiter Arranging Furniture (uncredited)
Torchy Blane in Panama (1938)
Havana Nightclub Extra (uncredited)
A Trip to Paris (1938)
Porter (uncredited)
Ankles Away (1938)
Rascals (1938)
Gypsy Singer in Cap (uncredited)
Alžír (1938)
Detective (uncredited)
Delinquent Parents (1938)
Headwaiter (uncredited)
Sharpshooters (1938)
Waiter (uncredited)
Dramatic School (1938)
Waiter (uncredited)
Dr. Rhythm (1938)
Dangerous to Know (1938)
Vacation from Love (1938)
Frenchman Dancing
This Is My Affair (1937)
Waiter at Reception
Woman-Wise (1937)
Headwaiter (uncredited)
Swing High, Swing Low (1937)
Tony's Italian Friend (uncredited)
Café Metropole (1937)
Waiter at Outdoor Cafe (uncredited)
The Girl from Scotland Yard (1937)
Violinist-Translator (uncredited)
The Emperor's Candlesticks (1937)
Inn Patron (uncredited)
San Quentin (1937)
Lorenz Review Waiter (uncredited)
Broadway Melody of 1938 (1937)
Third Barber in Barbershop (uncredited)
Thin Ice (1937)
Tourist at Hotel Desk (uncredited)
The Great Garrick (1937)
Extra Backstage at Don Juan (uncredited)
Fight for Your Lady (1937)
Waiter in Hungary (uncredited)
Expensive Husbands (1937)
Austrian Hotel Staff Member (uncredited)
Daughter of Shanghai (1937)
Interpreter (uncredited)
Our Gang Follies of 1938 (1937)
Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937)
Cavallero Cacciatore - Italian Consul (uncredited)
The Bride Wore Red (1937)
Cosmos Club Croupier
Stolen Holiday (1937)
Extra on Dance Floor
Mama Steps Out (1937)
Italian Desk Clerk
Espionage (1937)
Anděl (1937)
Assistant Hotel Manager
Bratři Marxové: Kobylkáři (1937)
Man Boarding Buss
I Conquer the Sea! (1936)
Portugese Man with Three Wives
The Oregon Trail (1936)
Give Us This Night (1936)
Villager (uncredited)
Doughnuts and Society (1936)
Music Teacher (uncredited)
Úžasná událost (1936)
Strolling Violinist (uncredited)
Pod dvojí vlajkou (1936)
Soldier of the 17th Company (uncredited)
Byl jsem lynčován (1936)
Reporter in Courtroom (uncredited)
Ticket to Paradise (1936)
Waiter (uncredited)
Born to Fight (1936)
Maitre d'hotel (uncredited)
Továrník Dodsworth (1936)
American Express Clerk (uncredited)
The Big Broadcast of 1937 (1936)
Rebellion (1936)
Under Your Spell (1936)
Contestant from Seattle (uncredited)
Děvče z baru (1936)
Love on the Run (1936)
Train Conductor
The Country Doctor (1936)
The Melody Lingers On (1935)
Enter Madame (1935)
Waiter (uncredited)
Charlie Chan in Paris (1935)
Pierre, waiter (uncredited)
Veuve joyeuse, La (1935)
The Good Fairy (1935)
Second Barber (uncredited)
The Lost City (1935)
The Lost City (1935)
Sheikh Ben Ali [Chs. 5-7]
I'll Love You Always (1935)
Waiter (uncredited)
On Probation (1935)
Waiter (uncredited)
The Case of the Curious Bride (1935)
Bartender at Luigi's (uncredited)
Air Hawks (1935)
Nightclub Headwaiter (uncredited)
Break of Hearts (1935)
Messenger (uncredited)
Paradise Canyon (1935)
Rurales Captain
Broadway Gondolier (1935)
Clerk in Italian Store (uncredited)
Hoi Polloi (1935)
Maître d' (uncredited)
Anna Karenina (1935)
Waiter (uncredited)
Ladies Love Danger (1935)
Pierre, a Waiter (uncredited)
Without Regret (1935)
Bit Part (uncredited)
The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo (1935)
Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Stars Over Broadway (1935)
Listener in Italy Montage (uncredited)
I Dream Too Much (1935)
Waiter in Cafe (uncredited)
Miss Pacific Fleet (1935)
Headwaiter, Snuggle-Up Inn (uncredited)
The Widow from Monte Carlo (1935)
Torrents' Cook (uncredited)
Magnificent Obsession (1935)
Antoine (uncredited)
Páni v cylindrech (1935)
Venice Hotel Manager
I Live My Life (1935)
Guest at the ball
Rendezvous (1935)
Code Room Clerk
The Great Hotel Murder (1935)
Head Waiter
Goin' to Town (1935)
Diamond Jim (1935)
Bratři Marxové: Noc v opeře (1935)
First Porter
Wonder Bar (1934)
Second Waiter (uncredited)
Whirlpool (1934)
Tony, Headwaiter (uncredited)
Monte Carlo Nights (1934)
Monte Carlo casino gambler (uncredited)
His Greatest Gamble (1934)
Italian Croupier (uncredited)
Hrabě Monte Cristo (1934)
Officer in Courtroom (uncredited)
One More River (1934)
Wine Steward (uncredited)
Chained (1934)
Cafe Waiter (uncredited)
One Night of Love (1934)
Extra in Bar (uncredited)
Veselá vdova (1934)
Waiter (uncredited)
I Sell Anything (1934)
Waiter (uncredited)
The Marines Are Coming (1934)
Bandito Officer (uncredited)
I Am a Thief (1934)
Telegraph Employee (uncredited)
Dostihy smrti (1934)
Sing Sing Nights (1934)
Latin-American General (uncredited)
Nana (1934)
Show Spectator / Party Guest
Bedside (1934)
Party Guest Extra
Lady by Choice (1934)
Viva Villa! (1934)
Praying member of Pascal's staff to be executed
He Was Her Man (1934)
Pico, Cristobol Crewman
Flirting with Danger (1934)
kapitán Garcia
The King's Vacation (1933)
Headwaiter (uncredited)
Hallelujah I'm a Bum (1933)
Obey the Law (1933)
White Sister, The (1933)
Enrico - Guido's Chauffeur (uncredited)
The Keyhole (1933)
Gino - Hotel Metropole Waiter #2 (uncredited)
Picture Snatcher (1933)
Barber (uncredited)
I Loved You Wednesday (1933)
Opera Singing Neighbor (uncredited)
Laughing at Life (1933)
Don Flavio's Associate (uncredited)
Voltaire (1933)
Musician in Versailles (uncredited)
My Woman (1933)
George - Waiter (uncredited)
Walls of Gold (1933)
2nd Furrier (uncredited)
Jimmy and Sally (1933)
1st Waiter at Club Rendezvous
Girl Without a Room (1933)
Man at Art Awards (uncredited)
Grand Slam (1933)
Letíme do Ria (1933)
Hotel Continental (1932)
Waiter (uncredited)
Careless Lady (1932)
French Hotel Waiter (uncredited)
This Is the Night (1932)
Manager of Neopolitan Hotel (uncredited)
Street of Women (1932)
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Love Is a Racket (1932)
Sardi's Waiter (uncredited)
Sbohem, armádo (1932)
Italian Soldier (uncredited)
Zjizvená tvář (1932)
Waiter at Columbia Cafe
Kiss Me Again (1931)
Gino - Orchestra Leader in Cafe (uncredited)
The Last Parade (1931)
Always Goodbye (1931)
Italian Policeman (uncredited)
That's My Line (1931)
Possessed (1931)
Signor Martini - Party Guest (uncredited)
Her Majesty, Love (1931)
Venetian Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
The Man from Death Valley (1931)
Czar of Broadway (1930)
El Dorado Club Headwaiter
Lord Byron of Broadway (1930)
Those Who Dance (1930)
A Notorious Affair (1930)
Serge - Pianist (uncredited)
Song of the Caballero (1930)
Don Jose Madero
Sin Takes a Holiday (1930)
Dressmaker (uncredited)
Oh, for a Man! (1930)
Signor Ferrari, Italian Master of Ceremonies (uncredited)
Oh, Sailor Behave (1930)
Madame Q (1929)
Italian Juror
The Rainbow (1929)
The Iron Mask (1929)
Tide of Empire (1929)
Carlos Montalvo (uncredited)
The One Woman Idea (1929)
Señor Americano (1929)
Carlos Ramirez
Navy Blues (1929)
Headwaiter at Garden Cabaret (uncredited)
The Cohens and the Kellys in Paris (1928)
The Devil's Skipper (1928)
Philip La Farge
The House of Scandal (1928)
Fazil (1928)
Sultan's Messenger (uncredited)
Prowlers of the Sea (1928)
The Skipper
The Gun Runner (1928)
Nueva y gloriosa nación, Una (1928)
Turkish Howls (1927)
The Rajah
Uneasy Payments (1927)
The Little Firebrand (1927)
Adonis Wenhoff
Paid to Love (1927)
Tour Director (uncredited)
Women's Wares (1927)
Východ slunce (1927)
Manager of Hair Salon
Boheme, La (1926)
The Volga Boatman (1926)
White Army Officer (uncredited)
Modern Youth (1926)
The Dead Line (1926)
Juan Álavarez
The Amateur Gentleman (1926)
Prince Regent
Bardelys the Magnificent (1926)
Dueling husband (uncredited)
Gigolo (1926)
Hotel Crillon Desk Clerk (uncredited)
The White Black Sheep (1926)
El Rahib
The Coast Patrol (1925)
Eric Marmont
The Desert Flower (1925)
José Lee (as Geno Corrado)
Speed Madness (1925)
Without Mercy (1925)
Malay Jack (uncredited)
Away in the Lead (1925)
Never Too Late (1925)
Count Gaston La Rue
Off the Highway (1925)
He Who Laughs Last (1925)
Elwood Harkness
Men (1924)
The Stranger
Reckless Speed (1924)
David Brierly
South of the Equator (1924)
The General (as Eugene Corey)
The Rose of Paris (1924)
Paul Maran
The Spanish Dancer (1923)
Slander the Woman (1923)
Tetreau, the Guide (as Geno Corrado)
Adam's Rib (1923)
Lt. Braschek
Flaming Youth (1923)
Leo Stenak (as Geno Corrado)
The Ten Commandments (1923)
Israelite Slave (uncredited)
The Thrill Chaser (1923)
Rudolph Biggeddo
The Guttersnipe (1922)
Clarence Phillips (as Eugene Corey)
Beyond the Rocks (1922)
Guest at Alpine Inn (uncredited)
My American Wife (1922)
Pedro DeGrossa
The Ordeal (1922)
Movie Mad (1921)
Man vs. Woman (1921)
Naughty Mary Brown (1921)
How She Lied (1921)
Assault and Flattery (1921)
Nothing Like It (1921)
Exit Quietly (1921)
Jiggs and the Social Lion (1920)
Wedding Guest
A Home Made Hero (1920)
Go West, Young Woman (1920)
Her Bridal Night-Mare (1920)
Father's Close Shave (1920)
Kiss Me, Caroline (1920)
Goin' Thro' the Rye (1920)
Queens Are Trumps (1920)
The Great Lover (1920)
Secretary (as Eugene Corey)
Tea for Two (1920)
Ain't Love Grand? (1920)
Percy's Rival
Shades of Shakespeare (1919)
Wild and Western (1919)
A Roman Scandal (1919)
The Flames of Chance (1918)
Anatole (as Eugene Corey)
The Hopper (1918)
Roger Livingston Talbot (as Eugene Corey)
Restitution (1918)
The Poor Fish (1918)
The Velvet Hand (1918)
Russino Russelli (as Eugene Corey)
The Wildcat of Paris (1918)
The Law of the Great Northwest (1918)
Charles Morin
A Two-Cylinder Courtship (1917)
Heart Sick at Sea (1917)
A Bold, Bad Knight (1917)
Forbidden Paths (1917)
A Mexican Flirt (uncredited)
He Fell on the Beach (1917)
Her Merry Mix-Up (1917)
Green Eyes and Bullets (1917)
Hearts and Clubs (1917)
Love and Locksmiths (1917)
Local Color (1917)
Almost Divorced (1917)
The Gown of Destiny (1917)
in French Consulate office
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916)
The Runner (Babylonian Story) (uncredited)
Gretchen the Greenhorn (1916)
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Zobrazit vše (404)
Doom of Dracula (1966)
A Face in the Crowd extra
City of Lost Men (1940)
Ben Ali
Our Gang Follies of 1938 (1937)
A Notorious Affair (1930)